by Rev. Blaine R. WengeR

                                                                                                        December 20, 2024
                                                                                                "The Right Way"

Christmas is almost here. We can count the days on one hand.  For some, they are excited beyond belief. Others are experiencing mild to major panic. There is still too much to do! How many still have a gift to get for someone special - and you have no idea what to do? I’m sure that there are a few of us out there. How does one give the perfect gift?

The custom in my home growing up was that mom and grandmothers would ask us what we want for Christmas. We gave a list. When we were really young, it was simple. When we got a little older, wow - that list exploded. There were things that were clearly inappropriate because they were so big. When we grew up a little more, the lists got a little more reasonable. There was always more on the list than what we would receive; and sometimes mom or grandma, or grammy went off list. So there was always the element of surprise when we would open gifts.

Today, it is pretty common that the gift is money or a gift card so that the recipient can get what they want. The surprise then is more for the one who gave the gift. Though, sometimes they may never know what was done with their gift.

Sometimes someone gives a gift to a person out of the blue. The gift is unexpected. The gift is a total surprise.

Is there a right way? Is there a wrong way?

Thinking about the first Christmas, Jesus was many things. The Hebrews had been crying out for salvation for centuries. And God in turn gives them what they asked for. Actually, God gives them more than they asked for. And God gives it to them in a way that they didn’t expect. So, in the end; not a surprise. And surprise!

I guess what I am thinking here is maybe we shouldn’t obsess so much about giving the perfect gift as much as giving gifts well. What is the difference? The perfect gift is the one that we somehow think will surprise and delight the receiver, it is one that they want more than anything but maybe didn’t even know of, or dream possible.  That’s a lot of pressure. God can do that. I’m not so sure we can. Rather than worrying about the perfect gift, how about we try to give gifts well. By that I do mean with some thought. Sometimes we might surprise. Sometimes it might be the farthest thing from a surprise. What matters most is that we give with a generous heart, really thinking of the one to which we are giving. How can we bless? How can we bring joy to the ones we would bless? If they know, or don’t know; if there is expectation or not; isn’t the biggest issue.


Maybe that sounds like a lot. Maybe it is. I think it is less than worrying, or obsessing over the perfect gift. And I think it looks more like what God did when He gave us the gift of a Son. God heard the need of his people. God saw their need. God told them what was coming. God gave to their need. God gave more than they knew they needed.

Okay. Sometimes a gift given well just might be the perfect gift. Just do your best to bless.

Grace, Mercy, and Peace,

Pastor Blaine