by Rev. Blaine R. WengeR


"I'm Not That Interested"

It has been this way for a while; but lately it seems worse. At least to me. How about you? You are minding your own business, maybe killing a little time, or taking some time on a digital device, and you click on something that piques your interest. That is a cool looking … whatever. Or that is an interesting little story; I want to know more. Next thing you know, you are getting barraged by similar articles, similar stories to the one that you clicked on. Just because I clicked on a pair of western boots doesn’t mean that I want to have five advertisements every time I log in to my social media. I’m just not that interested. Just because I read an article about a sports team, or player at a particular moment doesn’t mean that I want minute by minute coverage of everything that they are doing; AND everything that everyone is saying and thinking about them. I’m just not that interested. Ugh! Just because I looked up a particular product, for a particular need, a week ago, doesn’t mean that I want to keep getting related products for a month…  Right? Big Brother may or may not be tracking MY every move; but it is clear that Big Advertising IS watching. While I find it annoying, I do understand. There are many potential dollars at stake – well not so much with me personally, but in general. The more that advertisers can hone in on any particular person and match their need, or influence their choices, the better chance that they have of making more money. I guess if I was an advertiser, I might try to do something similar.

I wonder though, if we step away from electronics, and consider people, what would the average person pick up about YOU? What would they discern is important to you, that you ARE interested in, by the things that you do, and say, and check out? Spiritually speaking, what kind of witness are you being, without even trying? Would others, observing you, be able to discern that Faith is important? Would they pick up that you are a Christian; that for you, Jesus is Lord? Would someone else, looking in on your life, be able to see fairly easily, that you ARE interested in living a life of faith? I can’t answer that question for you. But if the answer isn’t, “Yes,” then don’t you have some work to do? We want to make sure that our “advertising” is really sending the message that we say we believe.

Grace, Mercy, and Peace,
Pastor Blaine

“… Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16