January 17, 2025 "Out Of It” Many of you know I am a casual sports fan at best. I enjoy watching a good game, but often have things going on, or am easily distracted so that I don’t follow even my favorite teams very closely. That said, it was a little sad last weekend when Penn State lost their Bowl Game, and then the next day, when the Steelers lost their playoff game. In less than 24 hours my favorite College Football team, AND my favorite NFL team had their seasons come to an end. The seasons move on, but they were out of it. Concerning Penn State, and the Steelers, I heard many who were very sad and upset. I’ve seen it with fans of other teams when their team is eliminated. For some, it is sad. For others, it would seem they don’t know how to move forward. They are so invested in their team it seems there is no way forward. Whether it is a team’s season coming to an end, or a job ending or changing, or a health issue, or something else; there are many who are so invested in some “thing,” who derive so much of their identity from some “thing” that to lose it leaves them feeling completely “out of it.” Moments like this are a perfect opportunity to remind ourselves of what is truly important, of what we truly need to be “in to.” Note, there is nothing wrong with enjoying some sport, of having a favorite team, of pursing passions and hobbies, but we should never let those things define us like our faith in Jesus defines us. Jesus teaches in John 15 that we are to “abide” in him. That means, always connected. The stuff that adds color to our days ebbs and flows. It is common that someone who really enjoys a sport, or a hobby, has a schedule for their team, will make plans to watch, will invest in their hobby or passion. Here at the beginning of the year, after things have calmed down from holiday celebrations, how intentional are you with your relationship with Jesus? What might you do to strengthen it so that you never feel out of it? If we think about, and plan for, and give effort toward our hobbies and passions, we should certainly do the same and more for our faith. Football season is winding down. There are other pursuits and distractions that you might turn to. But first, how are you engaging in your faith; that season is still open. And it will stay open. Grace, Mercy, and Peace, |